Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Small world.

Jared Diamond is on The Colbert Report.  Tonight at 11pm, on Comedy Central.  Watching the show is almost like studying for tomorrow's test!

Monday, January 14, 2013


At the beginning of class today, I would like you to complete an evaluation of my instruction of Human Geography.  The survey can be found here:  


The survey is completely anonymous.  You will fill out this survey for each of your teachers.

In addition to answering the first 18 questions, I would really like you to spend some time answering the last two questions in detail.  This is where you get to say what you liked about the course, and what I can do to be a better teacher.  Please take your time and give me some constructive criticism.

Thank you!

Sunday, January 13, 2013

...the end is near...

As we approach the end of the second quarter, now is the time for you to double check your grade for accuracy.  If you believe you submitted an assignment for which you did not receive credit, let me know by email and/or by seeing me in Room 121 before or after school.  The only grades remaining to be entered are your Class Participation grade - which I will enter this weekend - and the grade on the Guns, Germs & Steel test - which you will take Wednesday.

Friday, January 11, 2013

GG&S today, Pow Wow tomorrow

We are done watching the video, so for your next blog, complete the assignment we began in class: using the CIA Factbook, unearth some information about life today in Papua New Guinea.  We discussed their literacy rate, GDP growth rate, unemployment rate, even their number of airports.  And there's plenty more where that came from.

Also, I am offering 20 points of extra credit if you attend Saturday's Morningstar Pow Wow at John Carroll.  Their website is here, the official site of the Pow Wow.  There are events all day, including Native American Flute Music at 11:15 am, and Gourd Dancing at noon.  But the Grand Entry at 1:00 is not to be missed.  This is the highlight of the entire day, with tremendous drumming and Native Americans from across the country dancing in a huge circle in the gym, including Mr. Scholl in full Native regalia.  Admission is 2 dollars for students and 5 dollars for adults, with all proceeds going to support the St. Labre Indian School in Ashland, Montana - a truly worthy cause.  Find me at the Pow Wow to receive credit, or email me a photo of you in the midst of the activities in the gym.  I really hope you can make this amazing event - you'll never forget it!

Thursday, January 10, 2013


As we work our way through Guns, Germs and Steel, keep these things in mind.  I have posted the link to Part 1 of the YouTube video, so if you miss class for some reason, you can watch the portion you missed.  It also allows you to review the material and make sure your notes are accurate and thorough.

Also, you should be posting your handwritten class notes in your blog after every class.  Feel free to add to your notes to clarify your thoughts when you write your blog. 

Friday, January 4, 2013


Your Friday/Saturday posting should focus on the portion of Guns, Germs, and Steel that we watched in class today.  I've posted the link if you want to review it.  Take any one of a number of approaches: rewrite your class notes; discuss whether or not you think Jared Diamond has a valid theory;  talk about what you would have thought if you were one of those first outside visitors to Papua New Guinea, or how you would have felt if you were a native as those first visitors arrived.

Due before 11:59 Saturday night.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

We're ba-a-a-ack!

For tonight's blog, I want you to do some quick research on two subjects.  One is the scientist Jared Diamond; the other is Guns, Germs, and Steel.  Write at least 100 words on each of these, and post it tonight.