Thursday, August 23, 2012


In today's very brief class, we met for the first time.  You learned about the existence of this blog, as well as its importance.  As short as the class was, there was still time to give you a homework assignment.  Please do the following by next Monday:
  • Add this blog to your Favorites.
  • Create a Gmail account, and use it to set up your class blog through .
  • After you have created your blog, send the URL to .
  • Write your first blog post.  In at least 150-200 words, describe the experience of your first day at John Carroll.   Take your time; write well; proofread; rewrite as necessary.  Impress me with this first (graded) example of your writing talent.
  • Buy a Compostion book.  They are available at Target for 50 cents.  
  • Carefully read the class syllabus, which can be found under "Links that don't stink" just to the right of this post.
  • I recommend you set up Google Chrome as your default browser.


  1. Yesterday was my first day of high school and it was really cool. It started with going to the auditorium and getting a lecture about all of us (freshmen) becoming part of John Carroll and we learned about why the school is called John Carroll. Finally, we learned that John Carroll has its theme being compelling considerate and uncompromising because those were the words on arch bishop John Carroll's grave. After we left the auditorium we went to are advisers where there was two other freshman that were nice. Then I got surprised from the fire drill and we all met on the bleachers where i meet my orchestra teacher. Then we headed back inside to get a snack at the cafeteria. After that, we broke into groups and first i went to the library and learned about a bunch of stuff including recycling. Then we headed to the brown room and learned about are councilors and figured out witch councilor you got. We walked from the brown room down to the auditorium and learned about honesty and respect. Finally, we walked to the upper gym and got are year book pictures taken then we got are John Carroll swipe card picture taken. At the end of the day we visited all are classes on a Wednesday schedule and had lots of fun getting to know the teachers.

  2. 3 days ago was my first day at John Carroll, and it was really fun! I was a bit nervous, but as soon as I got there my nerves left! We first entered the auditorium and some of the teachers and staff got on stage and talked to us about the school, and how the name, John Carroll, came to be! We were then taken to our advisers and got to meet them! Mine, Mrs. Murphy was really nice! We were just walking to tryout our locker combinations, when I jumped at the sound of the fire drill! The teachers showed us our Advisory's assigned stadium bench for whenever there was a fire drill. We all then walked back into the cafeteria for snack. After snack we were divided, girl and boys, and taken to different rooms. My group of girls were first taken to meet the Dean of Discipline, who was really nice! He talked to us about uniforms and how to best stay out of trouble. Then all the freshman were surprised by having our swipe card picture, and yearbook picture taken! For lunch we had pizza which I loved! Moving on from lunch, we took a look over our schedule, which gave me a headache looking at, and went to all of our Wednesday classes! I really enjoyed my first day at John Carroll, and am excited for this first week as well!
