Saturday, November 17, 2012

some essay details

As we discussed in class, your essay (worth 200 points) is due at the start of class on Monday.  You are writing about the relationship between the United States and any two of the countries we have been covering in class.  This is not a major research paper per se, but you are expected to do some research, and provide a Works Cited at the end of the essay.   The use of EasyBib (using the MLA format) will help make your bibliography easy to do.  There are a number of excellent websites that will help you in researching these countries and leaders, including the World Factbook, the New York Times, the BBC, and even Al Jazeera (particularly for coverage of news in the Middle East).

I've said it a number of times in class, but it bears repeating: you will hand me a printed copy of this paper at the beginning of Monday's class.  Late penalties apply if you do not do so.  Good luck, and write a great paper!

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