Friday, December 7, 2012

project time

You work for a marketing company and you have been assigned the task of convincing people to buy things that are made in America.  There’s a catch!  Another team in the office has been given the task of convincing people to buy cheaper goods made outside of the United States.  May the most convincing team win.

Each team is responsible for coming up with an original slogan. You need to then come up with the statistics that back up your group's main ideas.

The team needs to create a PowerPoint to be used in advertisements promoting the team's ideas.  Your job is to be persuasive.

Each team needs to have at least one person do some shopping research.  Your presentation should include the price comparison of at least three products: at least one must be made in the USA and a similar product made outside the USA.  Is there any difference in price, quality, material, etc.?

1. Chief Researcher
2. Researcher / Presentation Creator
3. Researcher / Poster/Newspaper Ad Designer
4. Product Researcher

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